Steady as she goes!

Steady as she goes!

It is finally truly feeling like Summer! We are harvesting basil, kohlrabi, garlic, onions, and so much more! We are super excited about the beautiful purple kohlrabi. It is crunchy and fresh and we love it just sprinkled with salt. The cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes and peppers are thriving after being transplanted.

We are at the point where it is all about maintenance (which really means pulling weeds!)  We will continue to replace our spring crops with peppers and a second round of eggplant starts as we harvest them.  We have already planted the seeds for our winter squash garden, and are just about to transplant some acorn and butternut squash starts that are strong and ready to go into the garden.

Herbs are plentiful, and since we are getting back to the grill (in our new outdoor kitchen!) we love to serve a beautiful herb-focused chimichurri sauce with grilled meats.


Enjoy this recipe!

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Weeknight Galettes

October 24 @ 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM