Work in the Greenhouse

Work in the Greenhouse

As we transition to our summer garden, we are using the last of our fresh salad greens, broccoli, and overwintered onions.  Did you know that you can eat broccoli leaves?  Harvest those closest to the stalk, away from the crown for the most nutritious.

This week Farmer John lightly tilled the top layer of soil in the greenhouse. We just started using the next door greenhouses last year, and we didn’t have time to do our normal “first till” and just planted in some fresh compost. This year, we are even more ready than last year!  Tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers will be planted Thursday and Friday of this week.

We have many different varieties including:

  • Black Krim
  • Cherokee Purple
  • San Marzano
  • the sweet and tasting Sungold
  • Costoluto Genovese
  • Apricot Zebra

We are planting Jimmy Nardello peppers, Sweet Red Roasters, Jalapeños, Poblanos,  and more.

If you have broccoli like we do, try this delicious Creamy Dijon Tarragon Sauce with it.  You’ll want to eat it on everything!

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Spoonful of Spices • Join us for Spice is Nice class with Chef Jason French

Date Night: What the Duck?!

October 18 @ 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM