Greenhouse Time!

Greenhouse Time!

The cool weather has held on long enough for brassicas, lettuces, and other cool weather crops to finish up nicely for the season and it looks like summer is just around the corner! Our Tropia onions are ready to go along with beets and green onions.

Planting in the greenhouse is just finishing up and we can’t wait to start pulling fresh Tomatoes and peppers! It also felt great to get a couple of varieties of Basil starts planted to really feel like summer!

Now is the time to get the last of our cucumbers, beans, and eggplants planted also.

This week we’re sharing a delicious Salad using Beets and any remaining Arugula you may have in your garden!

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Krista Test Product

Krista Test Product

July 26 @ 8:00 AM - July 31 @ 5:00 PM