Pepper Party
Summer season is coming to a close even as we continue to have abundant harvests. Our early fall crops are getting settled into the warm soil, our next succession is germinating, we are ready for the fall season!
There has been a pepper palooza here at MGF! Most of this last week has been spent harvesting the delicious and nutrient dense produce coming out of the garden and the greenhouse. Our cucumbers, summer squash, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and various green beans are still producing heavily. We have also been maintaining the garden with pruning, weeding, and planting more fall crops.
Our Current Plant Highlights
Come check out the garden to see what else we have growing!
- Basque Espalette Pepper
- Thai Chili
- Serrano Pepper
- Black Beauty Eggplant
- Delicata Winter Squash