Sweater Weather
The rain has officially arrived! Our garden is prepped and ready for it, as are we. It’s that cozy time of year where gardening off-season has begun and we can enjoy soups and dishes made from our harvests. We are so happy with how the 2024 season turned out and can’t wait to implement what we have learned as well as share it with you next season!
This week we have worked on clearing the rest of the summer annuals out of the garden including tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. We have cut down all the annual flowers that have died back. We also finished amending a few beds and have planted garlic and shallots to overwinter for harvesting in June. It’s been a busy week of cleaning up!
As this is the final farm blog of the 2024 growing season, we want to say thank you for reading! Stay tuned for our next newsletter to hear about classes coming up. There is still lots of fall fun to be had before winter begins.
Keep your eye out in March for the first of the season gardening class and farm blog to give you an idea of how to kick off your 2025 growing season!