Welcome to our new Farm Blog!
We will be providing you with updates on what’s happening in the garden, and covering what we will be putting on your plates soon!
We have officially planted every plot in the main kitchen garden and are just starting to build out our larger production beds with strawberries, carrots, and potatoes!
Right now we are pulling out plenty of:
- Swiss chard: This one is so pretty, it’s hard to harvest and remove from the garden. It’s soft and tender and usable in salads.
- Kale: planted last fall, and just starting to flower. We use the yellow flowers as a garnish in our salads.
- Beets: we’ve harvested all of the winter beets and the greens are being wilted to go with our dry brined pork chop for tomorrow night’s Winemaker Dinner with CHO Wines.
- Salad greens: from young romaine varieties to a pretty purple variegated leaf called Trout’s back, and favorites like Arugula, we have a great mix happening.
- Turnips: These over-wintered in the greenhouse, and are delicious both roasted and shaved fresh in salads.
It’s officially Salad Season, too, so we are taking groups out into the garden to harvest lettuces that we make this simple salad, allowing the fresh greens of the season really shine!